Edward Tumanut

From a young age, Edward has always had an appreciation for space and form, and the ways in which they affect our senses. Studying architecture gave Edward, a well-rounded student, the opportunity to meld his creative juices with the technicality of math and science. It also helped that the brochure cover for USC featured palm trees basking in the sun.

Edward spends most of his time at SAI collaborating to develop and visualize designs – taking early sketches and diagrams into detailed schematics, models, and renderings.

Edward stays active in the community, including having served in various leadership roles, through organizations such as the Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City, Filipino Cultural Center Foundation, Kansas City World Outreach Lion’s Club, and the USC Alumni Association.

Secret Skills

Plays piano and cello. And has officiated two weddings. Book now!

Short-Term Goal

As a father of two boys — a toddler and an infant — a full-night’s sleep would be nice.

Happiest Doing

Spending quality time with his immediate and extended family.


Bachelor of Architecture – University of Southern California. Fight On!

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